Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dealing with Losing

I've lost a lot in League of Legends. In fact I currently have a losing record. I don't feel the need to disclose my win/loss record at this time, however, I will note that a couple weeks ago I had a winning record. Over the last approximately 2 weeks, I've probably lost 10 out of 15 League of Legends games I've attempted. Yesterday, I had a pretty punishing loss when I played a game as Amumu. I played well the entire game, I kept my team alive in clutch moments and I was everywhere I could reasonably be expected to be (in Bronze I at least). I bought a ton of wards, and I built items to support my team mates. Yet somehow, we still managed to lose in the end. There were a few times I could point at that changed how the game went.

The first point where we could have changed the outcome of the game was probably after we aced the enemy team. 3-4 of us were still up with about 30 seconds left for the other team to respawn. I ran down the middle lane to begin taking down their final tower and inhibitor, but the rest of my team ran back to base to buy items. Had my team members come with me to take out the turret, I bet we would have won because of the lane advantage the inhibitor would have given us.

The last point that we lost was when I went back to buy another giant belt before the final engagement. I told my team that I'd be a second and that they should wait for me. I even pinged for them to retreat in case they couldn't read my writing. Naturally, 3 of my team members ran in to die all alone without doing any real damage to the other team. That sealed our loss. I was sad. Luckily my next game turned out to be a win. Actually, it wasn't even close in my next game. I went something like 12/2/24... as Sona playing support... How do the skill levels of ranked games get so messed up in Bronze? I lost only 2 League points for my loss, but I gained only 6 points for the win. Why can't matchmaking give me a decent match up that will be a close game and help me advance?

As far as dealing with losses, I find that my best solution is to shrug it off, and move on to the next game. Even though losing because of someone else's stupid decision hurts, and it hurts even more when that person blames you for it, I find it best to be gracious and accept responsibility for your mistakes. I guarantee that anyone that loses a game, has not played that game perfectly. You might even lose the game outright through character selection. Let us all have fun while playing, support our team members, and remember that other humans (players) all deserve respect when you interact with them.

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