I recently decided to take a break from League of Legends. This happened at the time I made my previous blog post about competitive gaming. I uninstalled the game because a particular interaction I had in the game got me quite upset, and I didn't like how I felt. Since then, I haven't missed the game very much, and I've gotten much more interest in my stream from playing Minecraft. However, I do still think the game has good things to it, and would like to play it again at some point. Recently I've been trying to think about the things that would need to happen for me to be able to handle playing again.
First, I think everyone would have to only focus on the good things during the actual gameplay. This focus would be much more positive and help everyone on the team to be friendlier and more supportive of each other. Second, after the game ends, I'd be willing to accept comments about how everyone who played could improve, but I don't believe most interactions with the enemy team would be useful. I find that almost all the time, conversations with the enemy team are just a stream of insults and destructive to the morale of everyone. However, even when bringing up areas for improvement, I think there should be a clear message that good things did come from that player, and that they could be just a little bit better with this change or that change.
The primary motivation for these changes is to keep myself motivated and prevent me from getting so angry again. I will admit that my anger wasn't fully justified, but I also had many stressful things coming up in my life that kept me from keeping as level a head as I normally try to maintain. I also think that these changes will make me a more enjoyable team mate, and a better person at life in general.
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