Monday, August 6, 2012

Kickstarter – Forge

Today, I have yet another kickstarter project that I have decided to put my money behind. Forge is a game that they describe as "An incredible blend of MMO-style abilities and FPS controls." In addition, they claim that there will be no endless grind like is found in most MMOs, and will instead focus on getting you in the action in the same way that FPS games do. While I know I have generally not enjoyed PVP in games like WoW because I'm always out geared (honestly I'm probably just really bad), this game might provide the short play sessions without required commitment to keep me interested. Forge can be preordered from the kickstarted for as little as $15 if it reaches their funding goal (which is still a ways off). I bet they will still finish the game even if they don't get kickstarter funding.

Here is a gameplay video for those interested in more about the game:

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