Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Diablo III PS4 Problems

So I guess Blizzard announced that they will be bringing Diablo to the Playstation 4. I suppose it is exciting that there is support from such a big developer for such a highly anticipated system, however I can't help but feel a giant "MEH" when I think about it.

Diablo III was quite fun for me when I first got it. I played through the first time very quickly, and then rapidly began playing with a number of my friends. We quickly progressed through the nightmare and hell difficulty levels, and I had a blast the entire time (playing my monk). Then, I thought that the game was really going to pick up. I fully expected to be on the hunt for amazing drops for the next year or two. However, what happened was that I got bored of playing the game.

On inferno, the difficulty gets much greater than any of the other difficulty levels. While I'm okay with a challenge, I think it's silly that the primary challenge is obtaining better stats by collecting items with greater stats on them. Since there are only about 3-5 stats that any character cares about, you are essentially trading up from one set of stats for another, and this is the exact thing about World of Warcraft that doesn't interest me. I don't care if I get 5 more strength from and item, because it doesn't change anything about how I play the game. I want to have interesting things happen when I get new items.

I believe the only thing Diablo III really needs to make it interesting, is to provide some passive abilities, or spell effects as a part of the item system. That way we're not faced with a choice between 50 strength, and 55 strength, but instead we have to choose between 50 strength with passive icebolts, or 55 strength with passive fire bombs. I'll take cool spell effects all day over silly stat points.

Also, I should probably have something to say about console controls, but meh. Diablo has few enough buttons that it'll probably work. I just think the controller will fundamentally change the way you play the game since you won't be targeting like you do with a mouse, and will instead be aiming like you do with a controller. Good luck Blizzard and Sony. I know you will make a lot of money from this partnership, and I hope it's enough to cover your costs, but no more. We should expect better from our game developers.

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